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Pinecrest Baptist Church is an autonomous New Testament assembly voluntarily associated with the American Baptist Association, which can be explored at


Established in 1966 in Corinth, Mississippi the church has been a faithful witness to the gospel and working congregation in our community.  Our ministry motto, and message is as simple as we can make it: "To see lost people get saved; and saved people to get serious."

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Bro. Jeff Haney


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Bro. Luke Styers

Youth Pastor

Bro. Randy Holland

Congregational Singing

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Bro. Cody Gilley

Congregational Singing

Bro. Ben Knight

Congregational Singing

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Things Most Surely Believed Among Us

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~The Bible is the infallible Word of God.
~Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God.
~Salvation is by grace through faith alone, forever.
~Baptism is only by immersion by the authority of a New Testament church.
~The Lord's Supper is only for members of the local church.
~Marriage is between one man and one woman intended to be for life.
~There are only two genders; male and female designed by God, assigned by God, and are immutable.
~Heaven and Hell are literal and eternal.
~Jesus Christ really is coming again!

For a fuller explanation, we are in complete agreement with the doctrinal statement of the American Baptist Association that can be found at

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