Pre-Teens, Tweens, and Teens, all get special treatment here at Pinecrest. From Summer Camps and VBS, to various events throughout the year, as well as Wednesday evening programs and classes; the Ministry to our Youth is an active part of the work our church engages in.

The Pinecrest Weekend Snackpack ministry has supplied over 60,000 bags of "weekend food" for children in 5 area public schools since 2012. Volunteers and workers meet in the Pinecrest Family Center every Friday morning at 10:00 that the area schools are in session. We count it a great grace of God to be able to participate in our community in this manner.

Pinecrest is blessed with an array of musical talent for the song service to our Lord. With a multiplicity of instrumentation, our ministry of music provides an opportunity for service in the privilege of "making a joyful noise." From choir, to ensembles, to praise teams, to orchestration, there is a place to plug in, or a means of comfort and inspiration to be ministered to as well.

The first ministry of Pinecrest Baptist Church is getting the Word of God rightly divided, clearly explained, and boldly proclaimed to every age of every person the Lord affords us the chance to teach. Our Biblical charge is to make disciples, and there can be no discipleship apart from the Word of God. With regular classes scheduled, and periodic extra curricular classes, every effort we make is to both proclaim, and explain the precious Word of God.