Missionary Endeavors Supported by Pinecrest
American Baptist Association - Salary Fund
Budd Creek Baptist Camp - Arkansas
Magnolia State Missions Fund - Mississippi
Missionary Baptist Seminary - Arkansas
Living Free Ministries - Corinth, MS
Oasis Crisis Pregnancy Center - Corinth, MS
Ernie Hopper - Kenya
Hugo Mallozzi - Mexico
Brian Johnson - Lithuania
Gin Kipgin - India
************* - China
John Pinkevich - Belarus
Jean Isma - Haiti
Joel Dillahunty - Human Traffic Rescuing/Pro-Life
Jerry Baker - Navajo Nation
Missionary Endeavors Sponsored/Directed by Pinecrest
In 2010, Pinecrest commissioned Danny Fudge to begin working in Omaha, Nebraska to make disciples, and from those disciples establish a New Church. Immanuel Baptist Church in Bellevue, NE (a suburb of Omaha) is thriving and as of 2023 is nearing the time our sponsorship will be needed no longer.
In 2011, Pinecrest became the sponsoring church for Bro. Jim Philamlee and the Cornerstone Ministry to do pulpit supply, building advice, and general help to small congregations as the Lord provides opportunity.